Can I Sue a Car Manufacturer If a Defect Caused My Accident?

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All kinds of things can contribute to a car accident. One element that can make you much less safe on the road is a defective car component. What can you do when a defect causes an accident and injuries? You can sue a car manufacturer and any other party who helped cause the crash. Our Monmouth County car accident attorneys are ready to help.

What Do I Have to Show When I Sue a Car Manufacturer?

When you believe that a defect caused your accident, you first have to prove that there was a defect. Once you do that, you need to show that the defect led to your accident, causing your injuries and resulting in damages.

If there was a defect but it ended up being completely unrelated to your accident, it’s hard to hold a car manufacturer accountable for that. There has to be a clear connection between the defect and the damages you suffered. If you can show that, then you can hold the manufacturer accountable.

What Kinds of Damages Can I Win When I Sue a Car Manufacturer?

When you sue a car manufacturer and other liable parties after an accident, you shouldn’t just be reimbursed for the economic costs of the crash. Getting hurt in an accident can affect you psychologically as well, and any fair compensation offer should address that as well. Your settlement should help make up for things like:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Mental anguish
  • PTSD
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Property damage
  • Any other pain and suffering experienced as a result of an accident

How Long Do I Have to Take Legal Action?

You should take action quickly if you believe that someone else was responsible for your accident and injuries. New Jersey gives accident victims two years to pursue damages. Wait any longer than that, and the statute of limitations will result in your case getting thrown out. Don’t miss your chance to sue for compensation!

Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A case like this can get complicated. You may end up suing additional parties aside from the car manufacturer, like another driver who was involved in the crash. It can be tough to manage that kind of case on your own.

An experienced personal injury lawyer can assist you with every aspect of your case. They can:

  • Help you gather evidence
  • Identify all liable parties
  • Calculate fair compensation
  • Negotiate on your behalf
  • Defend you from accusations of wrongdoing

We are ready to fight for you.

Schedule a Free Consultation

So if you were hurt in a car accident and you believe that a faulty part was to blame, contact the Wilton Law Firm. We can offer you a free case consultation. There’s no obligation, so take the time to learn more about your legal options and how our lawyers can help you pursue compensation.